Thursday, June 18, 2009




前天在Manhantan Fish Market吃晚餐,发现了它们的"Captain Rules":

Rule #1: Captain is always right.

Rule #2: If Captain is wrong, please refer to Rule #1.




出席了公司的"Personal effectiveness"的training,那个ah ne trainer分享了一个本人觉得很"power"的故事。

Henry Ford is the founder of Ford Motor. One morning (many years ago), he was with her son in the same car heading to his company to work. He was already a billionaire that time. He met his friend on the way and asked his son to stop at road side and he went out to say hello to his friend. After couple of minutes, he finish chatting and went back to the car and see his son with newspapers (cost 15cents only)

Ford: "Why you have papers with you? Everyday we have two in office, right?"

Ford Junior:"..."

Ford:"Go return the papers to the stall and take back your 15cents."

Ford Junior went out the car and return the papers and take back his 15cents.

You know what Ford said to his son?

Ford:"You can't manage well your 15cents, how you going to manage 15million dollar??"

This statement is so powerful to me, not asking me to be stingy, but carefully manage every single cent we have is really a very "deep" knowledge. Also, not to be "si kui"..will you check the round up or round down while you having shopping in NTUC? I will.




Bill Gates:"To be born poor is not your fault but to die poor is YOURS!"



Income - Expenses = Savings

Income - Savings = Expenses

The above equations look same, but the meaning behind is totally different. First equation is we spend first, the remaining one will be our savings. Second one is we save first, remaining one for spending. Which one is more effective?

p/s: hehe..GM down-ed and Ford Motor stands still in the strong wind (with self funded, didn't get help from US government). Maybe Ford is the next No.1 in US. Now only $5++ listed in NYSE. A good choice to invest...

p/s p/s: Don't blame me if got burnt =P


peiyun said...


尤其是 "Captain is always right"~

Jen Wong said...

nice sharing but i think ford still standing is becoz of its early invest in china market.

bubu said...

...and willing to change of her business strategy, while GE and Chrysler still insist BIG-cube cars.